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26th May 2016

We could be getting two new versions of the Xbox One in 2017

One tiny, one 4 times as powerful. Ooft.

Carl Anka

It’s looking like all change in the gaming world.

With gaming convention E3 right around the corner, there are rumblings about Microsoft plans for the future and what that means for your Xbox One.

According to Kotaku reports, we could have two brand new versions of the Xbox by the end of 2017.

The first will be a cheaper, smaller version of the Xbox One and will be released sometime this year. The new slimmed down Xbox will be around 40% smaller than the current Xbox One and will also feature 2TB of memory, making it a decent option for those yet to upgrade from their Xbox 360s.


But it’s the second Xbox – codenamed Project Scorpio – where the real news lies. Aiming for a 2017 launch according to Polygon, Project Scorpio will be an Xbox around four times as powerful as the Xbox One, and will serve as an “Xbox 1.5” console of sorts.

Both of the new Xboxes are likely to support 4k televisions.


The news comes at an interesting time for the gaming world, as both Microsoft and Sony are rumoured to be coming up with almost new consoles. Earlier this year, we reported Sony were toying with something called “Project Neo”, an upgraded Playstation 4 that would be around two times as powerful as the console you currently use to play FIFA on.

With the Project Scorpio being pencilled in to have greater processing power than Project Neo, this looks to be Microsoft finally catching up after years of the Playstation 4 outperforming its console. According to Polygon, “Microsoft is determined to end this narrative [that Sony consoles are faster].”

We’re still yet to get pricing information on any of these consoles yet, but expect loads more news to arrive when E3 starts on June 12.

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