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18th Jan 2017

21 of the most perfectly delivered lines in film history

Stone cold classics, every one

Paul Moore

So many to choose from. Let us know if you have your own one.

We all have our own favourite quotes and scenes, but what makes them truly iconic is how certain actors deliver their lines. A good script is always an essential component of any decent film, but there are some lines that need a little bit of magic to make them pop and become memorable.

With this in mind, we’ve decided to look at some of the most perfectly delivered lines in film history.

(Note, we’re limiting certain actors to just one place on the list).


The quote: “Yes, it’s true. This man has no dick.”

Special delivery: Even in the face of jail-time and the apocalypse, Venkman still can’t miss the opportunity to deliver the most deadpan of lines. Walter Peck really was one of the best jerks from the ’80s.

Clip via – Wuld

Die Hard

The quote: “Hans bubby, I’m your white knight.”

Special delivery: Only a special type of arsehole could get the best quote in a film that’s brimming with them. Hey, sprechen ze talk?

Clip via – doublek321

The Usual Suspects

The quote: “Give me the key you motherfucking cocksucker!”

Special delivery: McManus loses it, Verbal couldn’t be arsed to say it, but it’s Benicio Del Toro’s character, Fenster, that absolutely nails it. The man just clearly couldn’t give a fuck. We love the anecdote that this was the casts’s actual real life reaction to Del Toro’s accent. Kudos to Bryan Singer for leaving it in.

Clip via – ePegasus

In Bruges

The quote: “What? What are ya’ talking about?”

Special delivery: In a film that’s brimming with truly memorable moments, it’s this moment when Colin Farrell fully embraces Father Dougal that gets the nod. To quote Rick James, “cocaine is a hell of a drug.”

Clip via – jumbotoe123

Hot Fuzz

The quote: “You’re off the fucking chain!”

Special delivery: Edgar Wright’s loving homage to mindless Hollywood action films wouldn’t be complete without some killer one-liners. We love Nick Frost embracing his inner gangster before defiantly reloading his shotgun.

Clip via – bigdjwhitehead

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

The quote: “I know”

Special delivery: Only Han Solo could be cooler than the carbonite that he’s about to be encased in. To this day, this is the most pimptastic comeback to any declaration of love.

Clip via –manarchy

Happy Gilmore

Quote: “Where were you on that one dipshit?”

Special delivery: You can just tell that Happy Gilmore absolutely hates his caddy. The lingering look

Clip via – hockeypunk2539’s channel

Beverly Hills Cop

The quote: “What’s your fucking side of the story?!?!”

Special delivery: Inspector Todd is still the definitive foul-mouthed police officer from any film. You can instantly sense his rage, exhaustion and disappointment in one glorious line that manages to make Axel Foley seem like a child that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Clip via –JackBauer137


The quote: “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North. General of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife – and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next”.

Special delivery: The power of Maximus’ words lie in the fact that he manages to stay ice-cool in the face of the sniveling Commodus. It’s a classic line, but Crowe’s delivery and pace is superb. You get the feeling that he means every single word.

Clip via – dumforbannade


The quote: “I just want to tell you both, good luck. We’re all counting on you.”

Special delivery: It’s the constant repetition of the line.

Clip via – Nicholas Augusta

Full Metal Jacket

The quote: “Private Pyle, I’m going to give you three seconds. Exactly three fucking seconds to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face, or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you”.

Special delivery: R. Lee Ermey was initially only hired by Stanley Kubrick to be a technical advisor on the film. Seeking absolute military authenticity for the film, Kubrick was so impressed by Ermey that he allowed him to write his own dialogue and improvise on the set.

He went on to be nominated for a Golden Globe. Outstanding!

Clip via – The Dude Abides

Trading Places

The quote: “Yeah right, just get the fuck out!”

Perfect delivery: The John Landis comedy has so many iconic lines – “those men tried to have sex with me!” – was a close second, but Murphy’s delivery here is excellent. You can tell that he’s clearly pissed off with the people that gatecrashed his party and just wants these winos to leave.

Clip via – bearmassaro

Pulp Fiction

The quote: “Say what again! SAY. WHAT. AGAIN. I dare you! I double dare you motherfucker!”

Perfect delivery: Nobody delivers lines quite like Samuel L. Jackson, especially if they’re written by Quentin Tarantino.

Clip via – Movieclips

Gone with the Wind

The quote: “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”.

Perfect deliver: The most famous cinematic f**k that was never given.

Clip via – NJFAN07

Home Alone

The quote: “Keep the change, you filthy animal!”

Special delivery: Everyone, and we mean everyone, can recite this passage word-for-word. It’s special.

Snakes, A.C and Johnny, they’re all special people.

Clip via – dawid0478


The quote: “We’re going to need a bigger boat.”

Special delivery: Not only is it an iconic lone, it also serves the scene and character development.

Clip via – rosnor2000

The Shawshank Redemption

Quote: “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

Special delivery: Film is an art form and like any song or book, the best films can move you in a way that’s deeply personal. Even during the depths of Andy’s despair, he still held onto the one quality that every person needs: hope.

Clip via – Dark Sanctuary BBS

The Big Lebowski

The quote: “Obviously, you’re not a golfer”

Special delivery: The Dude abides. If you ever needed proof that Jeff Bridges doesn’t give a shit, here it is.

Clip via – jewharpkid

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The quote: “You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns … and those who dig. … You dig.”

Special deliver: You could make a list which just features Clint Eastwood lines, this one sums up his whole career.

Clip via – LAB edizioni

The Terminator

The quote: “I’ll be back.”

Special delivery: Often copied, never bettered. Arnie delivers one-liners better than most – “Get to the choppppppa” and “Let off some steam” are examples of this, but this one is truly iconic.

Clip via – SceneCube


The quote: “Now go home and get your fucking shinebox.”

Special delivery:  It’s the greatest insult of all time.

Clip via – chip1992us

All this without mention some iconic lines form the likes of; The Departed, Scarface, Animal House, Anchorman, The Italian Job, The Shining, A Few Good Men, Taxi Driver and countless others.

Let us know if we omitted your idea of the most perfectly delivered line in film history.

