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23rd Jan 2017

19 heroes who took laziness to a whole new ridiculous level

An inspiration to all those proud lazy people out there.

Alex Finnis

1. The person who heated up last night’s takeaway with a hairdryer so they didn’t have to go downstairs:



2. The guy who knew they could always have a bottle opener on demand:



3. The man who used a hole in his lounger and a straw to create the ultimate sunbathing spot:

Image: imgur


4. And the guy who found a way to get drunk without ever moving a muscle:

Image: imgur


5. The person at City Hall who was in charge of naming these streets:

Image: imgur


6. Whoever decorated this Christmas tree:

Image: Twitter: @_youhadonejob1


7. The hero who managed to have a bowl of cereal without creating any washing up:

Image: Twitter: @Shabs_100


8. The bloke who didn’t want to choose between watching the gig and lying down:

Image: imgur


9. The person who will never have to do the dishes ever again:

Image: Twitter: @kimberlyrodrigz


10. The kid who found a way to hack his handwriting homework:

Image: Reddit


11. The semi-genius who thought of this (but would be the world’s worst housemate):

Image: imgur


12. The graffiti artist who knew less was more:

Image: Twitter: @MossyNugget


13. The guy who found this creative solution to the holes in his shoes:

Image: imgur


14. Whoever decided removing the packaging was just too much:

Image: Twitter: @YouHadOneJ0B


15. The dude who knew biros could make perfectly adequate chopsticks:



16. The bloke who refused to go out to buy a new razor:

Image: imgur


17. The guy who had no need to unpack his office chair:

Image: Reddit


18. The person who didn’t fancy boiling the kettle:

Image: imgur


19. And the absolute hero who couldn’t be bothered to keep checking on his garlic bread:


