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17th May 2017

The playsuit for men has arrived, just in time for summer

So, this is fashion now

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Something tells us, using the toilet will be a challenge in this.

A Chicago company has designed an all-in-one outfit for men, something of a masculine take on the play suit.

The RompHim (as opposed to romper, geddit?) raised almost four times its $10,000 goal on Kickstarter, as fashion-forward fellas the world over clamour to get a piece of the action.

The work of ACED Design, a group of business school friends who ‘decided to try to bring something new to menswear’, the $95 RompHims will be delivered to their new owners by August – just in time for those end-of-summer barbecues.

So far there are three nifty styles on offer:

The designers have lured their customers with the promise of adjustable waists, zippered back pockets and deep front pockets, as well as the chance to get dressed in one fell swoop.

You know, without all the hassle of choosing one pair of shorts and one shirt.

What’s more? There’s even a special edition for your Fourth of July celebrations…

We give it one hour before men everywhere tire of unbuttoning the entire thing to pee.

