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27th Feb 2018

New documentary shows the Queen’s ‘difficulty’ with royal relationship

James Dawson

It’s rare for the royal family to express opinions about personal matters.

A new Channel 5 documentary exploring the Queen’s life has illuminated her view on her sister Princess Margaret’s affair with a man 17 years her junior.

Margaret was married to Lord Snowdon when she was pictured with Roddy Llewellyn – who she had an affair with – in Mustique in February 1976. He was 28-years-old, while she was 45 at the time.


Her divorce from her husband, Snowdon, was announced just weeks after the pair were snapped together.

Anne Glenconner, a good friend of Princess Margaret, stated in the documentary:“It was difficult for the Queen and I felt rather guilty always having introduced Roddy to Princess Margaret”.

She added: “But after Princess Margaret’s funeral, the Queen, she said, ‘I’d just like to say, Anne, it was rather difficult at moments, but I thank you so much introducing Princess Margaret to Roddy ‘cause he made her really happy’.”

Princess Margaret suffered a mild stroke in 1998 and suffered another in 2002 that killed her at 71. She was the Queen’s only sibling.

Elizabeth: Our Queen is an eight-part series following the life of the Queen.