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02nd May 2018

Italian police warn that Liverpool fans may be kept inside Roma’s stadium until 1am

Numerous measures have been taken to ensure the violence of the first leg isn't repeated

Wayne Farry

Fans of the club may face a lengthy wait inside the stadium after Wednesday’s Champions League game

Italian police have warned that Liverpool supporters could be kept inside of Roma’s stadium until 1am to reduce the possibility of violence outside of the Stadio Olimpico after this evening’s crucial Champions League semi-final second leg against Roma.

The first leg between the two sides was marred by violent scenes outside of Anfield beforehand which saw Irish Liverpool supporter Sean Cox hospitalised, and Italian authorities are looking to minimise the chance of history repeating itself by deploying more than 5,000 officers to the stadium.

Mr. Cox was left in a critical condition and remains in Liverpool’s Walton Neurological Centre.

According to the Liverpool Echo, supporters have been advised to avoid the Ponta Duca d’Aosta bridge in the north of Rome, where English supporters have been attacked in the past.

They have instead been advised to make their way to designated safe zones, such as Piazza di Spagna and Piazza del Popolo, before taking the shuttle service to the stadium, where gates are set to open at 5pm.

Some local shops within a mile of the stadium have also banned the sale of alcohol ahead of the game.

Liverpool supporters have been warned against wearing the club’s colours while walking around the city, and a statement released by the club, Roman police, Merseyside police and Italian authorities have warned against fans walking the streets alone at any point.