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09th Oct 2015

Christian Slater speaks candidly about his demons…


In August 1997, Christian Slater allegedly got high on tequila and cocaine, repeatedly punched a woman he was with, bit a man on the chest and attacked the police officers who came to arrest him. He has been sober ever since.

The True Romance star rarely discusses his addictive past but has spoke openly about his former demons and revealed the flaws that he’ll never shake off.

“I used to be a drunken asshole, but now I’m sober,” he says.


When asked how sobriety has changed him, he told The Guardian: “Well…a person can get sober and definitely still be irresponsible and reckless. Drama can be an addiction. It’s so, so sneaky. Jealousy – all of those things can really send you in a lot of different crazy directions.”

Despite recently having his 16-year-old son move in with him, a situation he says he’s loving, he’s honest about some of his childlike personality traits.

“So, I think I have set aside alcohol, but I haven’t set aside certain characteristics. Which might be… lying,” he says.

“You know, trying to manipulate things. Acting like a baby at times. Catching yourself in those moments where it really does come down to those two roads. Do I want to go down the road that has led me to this one ending? Or try this other road, where I actually do just tell the truth? And be honest, and be brave in that particular moment.”

