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15th Oct 2015

Survey reveals the most re-watchable films of all time

Conor Heneghan

How many of your favourites are in here?

There are any amount of elements in the equation when picking your favourite movies of all-time, but surely what makes a movie truly great is if you’re happy to watch it over and over again without it ever getting old.

Taking this into account, the folks at fivethirtyeight surveyed readers about the most re-watchable movies of all time, asking them to name five films that they were happy to watch more than once.


Well over 4,000 people responded to the survey and the results were not very surprising in that the list of full of well-known all-time classics.

That said, how Airplane didn’t get in there we’ll never know.

The most re-watchable movies of all-time

  1. Star Wars
  2. The Wizard of Oz
  3. The Sound of Music
  4. The Lord of the Rings (series)
  5. Gone With the Wind
  6. The Godfather, The Princess Bride
  7. The Shawshank Redemption
  8. Harry Potter (series)
  9. It’s A Wonderful Life
  10. Forrest Gump
  11. Grease
  12. Dirty Dancing, Pulp Fiction
  13. Titanic
  14. The Lion King, Pretty Woman
  15. Casablanca
  16. The Matrix, The Notebook
  17. Star Trek
  18. Finding Nemo
  19. Goodfellas
  20. Pride & Prejudice
  21. Caddyshack, The Avengers


Film,Star Wars