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20th Sep 2018

Conor McGregor’s first face-off with Khabib Nurmagomedov didn’t disappoint

"Don't come at the king!"

Darragh Murphy

Police officers were on hand to prevent things from kicking off when Conor McGregor squared off with Khabib Nurmagomedov for the first time.

Sure, McGregor and Nurmagomedov had been in close proximity to one another in the past.

They shared a photograph as respectful peers once upon a time and were separated by a window when McGregor laid siege to the bus which was carrying Nurmagomedov back in April.

But this was the first time that both men stared into each other’s eyes as opponents.

An eventful press conference was closed out by one of the more intense face-offs in recent memory as McGregor requested to get close to the UFC lightweight champion.

UFC President Dana White literally begged the Irishman not to touch Nurmagomedov and he acquiesced but while contact wasn’t made, a point was.

‘The Notorious’ caught a glimpse of Nurmagomedov’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz, and gave him both barrels from the stage.

“I know a lot about you as well, you mad rat,” McGregor roared in Abdelaziz’s direction. “I know a lot about you as well. You keep your mouth shut, kid.

“Let me take my picture. How’s Noah? Shut your mouth. Never speak about me, ever in your life. Watch yourself around me because you’ll be out of here quick.”

With the stage left Nurmagomedov-less, McGregor took the opportunity to pose with two belts, neither of which he technically holds, before delivering one last resounding sound bite for the reporters in attendance.

“Fuck you! Don’t come at the king!”