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04th Oct 2018

Conor McGregor hits out at reporter for question about his new whiskey

'The Notorious' didn't take kindly to that

Darragh Murphy

Conor McGregor is not easily offended but you’d better watch your mouth if you speak negatively about his new whiskey.

Last month, McGregor launched his own brand of whiskey and called it Proper Twelve. And it has been flying off the shelves because of its association with one of the biggest stars in all of combat sports.

‘The Notorious’ has brought a bottle of his whiskey to every public appearance and it’s understood that the brand’s logo will be on the canvas for UFC 229 on Saturday night as part of McGregor’s new deal with the UFC.

However he didn’t take kindly to a question at his final press conference on Thursday night as a supposed reporter from Israeli television reminded McGregor of a negative review on

“Ask my bollocks, mate. Have a drink of it now and tell me what you think,” McGregor responded.

“There are always going to be begrudgers and people that are hating and this and that. It comes with the territory when you’re at the top of your game.

“Trust me! It is the tastiest Irish whiskey there is on the planet. I fucking love it and I don’t give a bollocks what anyone says.

“I’m not even trying to sell it. Just have a sip of it. Take a bottle with you and enjoy yourself.”

When the confident journalist stepped forward to accept the offer of a swig from McGregor’s bottle, he was given short shrift.

“No, not you!” McGregor said. “The smell of you! Keep him out of here, bringing up negative shit.

“You ask my bollocks, mate.”