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03rd Mar 2019

WhatsApp hack lets you read texts without blue-ticking the sender

Rebecca O'Keeffe

Game changer

We’ve all been there. You get a message on WhatsApp that you really want to read, but you don’t want to have to respond right away.

And you know, if you give the sender the blue tick – you kind of have to reply for fear of being considered rude in some way, but what if we told you that there’s a way to read WhatsApp messages, without the sender knowing you’ve read them?

Groundbreaking, we know, but there’s a newly discovered hack, that will only work on iPhones.

Most new iPhone models come with a feature called 3D Touch (we had never heard of it either.)


This allows you to read up to a dozen of the latest messages sent in this chat without initiating the blue ticks.

But tread softly friends, if you push too hard, you’ll be brought straight into the full chat window, and the blue ticks will appear for the sender.

Which is exactly what we’re trying to avoid here folks.

Once you’re done, simply let go and you’ll be taken back to the main chat window.

You’re welcome.

