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22nd May 2020

Inspiring dad’s top DIY tips and fatherly advice

Rich Cooper

“It’s about being there”

When Rob Kenney’s father abandoned him and his siblings as a young child, he made a promised to himself that he would never do anything like that. Once a father himself, he vowed to raise good adults, not just good kids.

You may not recognise Rob’s name, but you may – or soon will – know him from the YouTube channel ‘Dad, how do I?’.

In a short space of time, his YouTube channel has become a sensation, going from a couple of thousand followers to more than a million.

The key to its popularity, and its undeniable charm, is the fact that Rob is offering home DIY tips and fatherly advice on how to live a good life.

We sat down to talk with him about his channel, and his life.

