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27th Oct 2021

‘My dad’s neighbour keeps parking his car in our driveway so I had it towed’

Kieran Galpin

The drama is real!

A Reddit user has discovered that generosity can sometimes bite back after his neighbours refused to move a car from his driveway – which his father had initially permitted.


The unnamed user claims his 62-year-old father parks his car in the garage and so he permitted his neighbour – who has four cars – to park on his driveway. Generous, right?

But the same people are now refusing to move the car and so the once-generous son has since had it towed.

In his Reddit post, the user explained: “My dad doesn’t drive that much right now, but from time to time he likes to go back to our hometown and just spend the day in the places he and my mum used to go.

“Problem with this is that he can last a month or so without moving the car and thus his neighbours – married couple in their 20s – use his driveway because they own four cars and don’t have the space.”

He continued: “My dad doesn’t have that much of a problem with it since he leaves his car in the garage and told me that whenever he needs to get it out, he just calls the girl, and she moves the other car.”

But things became increasingly complicated when the woman wasn’t at home to move the car and so naturally he contacted her husband.

Though the gentleman agreed, it took him more than an hour to do it.

Here’s where things get really spicy.

He wrote: “My dad wanted to drive his car but the neighbour had his in my dad’s driveway and so he went to ask him to please move it.

“He said yes, but after 30 minutes of not seeing him, I called someone to get it towed.”

Naturally, his neighbour was enraged – but the poster says he has no regrets.

He added: “The man obviously freaked out when he saw what was happening and asked what I was doing.

“Apparently he doesn’t have the right documentation for the car and can’t get it back because he doesn’t have the money.

“But man, my dad was doing him a favour and he acted like an entitled p***k.”

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