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18th Feb 2022

We’re sisters and our sons are brothers, cousins and twins

Kieran Galpin

How do you even write that in a Christmas card?

Two sisters have confused their social media followers by saying their two sons are brothers, cousins and twins. Grab some paracetamol, because this might hurt your head.

Brittany and Briana, who are identical twins, married another set of identical twins called Josh and Jeremy Salyers. The couples then gave birth to babies within months of one another.

Alongside an Instagram post of their babies, the twins captioned the image: “Cousins, genetic brothers, and quaternary twins.”

Naturally, the internet was confused – but some were kind enough to explain the situation. One person commented: “Their mothers and fathers are identical twins. Both sets of parents then had kids. Same exact DNA created both.”

Another echoed the previous statements: “Identical twins share the same DNA and both sets of parents are identical.”

The two sets of twins met each other at a festival in 2017 – a festival specifically for twins. The lads proposed at the same time six months later and then the two couples had a joint wedding in 2018.

Brittany and Briana told the Australia’s Today show that they planned to fall pregnant at the same time. When prompted on whether that meant having sex at the same time, Brianna admitted: “Ideally the timing will have to be really good.”

Brittany added: “I think there’s just something we would love to experience together,”

All four of them live under the same roof in Virginia, which must honestly get so confusing.

While you might think this engagement is a little out there, that’s nothing compared to Anna and Lucy DeCinque who also live in Australia. These sisters from Perth are trying to get pregnant at the same time with their partner of nine years, Ben Byrne.

“When she goes to the toilet, I come with her; when she has a shower, I come with her,’ Anna told the New York Post.

Read more: Identical twins trying to get pregnant at same time with shared fiance

“You name it and we do it. We’re never apart. I don’t think we’d function without each other. We have separation anxiety. We’re bound to each other.”

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