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17th Apr 2022

Patron is the minesweeping dog saving lives in Ukraine – Patron is a good boy

Danny Jones

The little Jack Russell has already helped remove ‘hundreds of devices’

Meet Patron, a.k.a ‘Bullet’: the minesweeping dog that is helping Ukrainian soldiers locate and remove explosive devices and unexploded projectiles left by Russian forces.

The two and half-year-old Jack Russell has been carrying out this vital bomb removal service in the Chernihiv region, north of Kyiv, and has already helped to remove hundreds of devices, according to the BBC.

Having begun his removal and defusal career when he was just six months old, Patron’s super sense of smell allows him to sniff out the odour of explosives and other chemicals leaking inside mines – Jack Russell’s being one of the best breeds when it comes to this talent.

While there are thought to be more than 750 dogs working in demining programmes around the world, Patron is having to do so on the frontlines of the ongoing Russian invasion.

In this recent video, you see the pup decked out in his own Ukraine emergency services tactical vest and getting to his daily work, having reportedly cleared 90 explosive devices from the region by March 19 alone.

Unsurprisingly, Patron – who is said to love cheese and belly rubs after a long day of minesweeping – has become a bit of a cult figure in Ukraine, garnering huge support on social media and even prompting works of art.

Sharing this post on Saturday, you can see the canine hero immortalised by a number of local and international artists; a tribute fitting one of the world’s bestest boys.

As the Ukrainian Emergency Service warns, “Do not upset Patron”.

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