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03rd May 2015

Video: Ed Miliband’s election campaign meets Eminem’s 8 Mile…

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti...


Ed Miliband’s political makeover has taken another twist in a video that casts the Labour leader in the gritty world of Eminem’s 8 Mile.

After watching Miliband’s recent campaign clip ‘Ed Miliband: A Portrait’, YouTuber Jack Lilley asked the question: “Did anyone else notice how much Ed Miliband’s latest campaign video looked like 8 Mile?”

We can’t say it immediately occurred to us, but Miliband certainly looks suited to the rap battle lifestyle in Lilley’s mash-up.

It’s just a shame there’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti…