There’s nothing worse than when your iPhone is being slow.
Yes – ‘first world problems’ we know. But even those few seconds of waiting for your iPhone to catch up with the rest of the world are just agonising.
There’s plenty of little tricks out there to squeeze an extra bit of speed out of your Apple device.
But AppAdvice have brought us a new one which literally takes 10 seconds to do and could speed up your phone.
If your browsing speeds and downloads on the App Store aren’t exactly lightning quick, then try this…
Step 1
Launch the App Store on your iPhone or iPad or the Watch App Store
Step 2
Then just tap one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen 10 times (Featured, Top Charts, Explore, Search, Updates).
Step 3
You will then see the App Store window above go blank for a few seconds before it resets the store’s cache and hopefully boosts your phone speed.