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08th Jan 2016

Netflix secret code trick lets you watch EVERYTHING you want

Open up hundreds of hidden gems...

Ben Kenyon

Netflix is an absolute bloody revelation.

But while huge hits like Making a Murderer are at your fingertips, the way you search for content means you’re potentially missing out on hundreds more great shows.

When you search for the content you want on Netflix, you only get limited results – which is massively frustrating when you see the same stuff coming up over and over again.

But there’s a devilishly simple tech trick that opens up the site and reveals every last film, documentary and series on there.

It’s all down to unique codes on the end of the URL when you perform a search. But one clever tech site has revealed that you can change these codes manually which makes tracking down hidden gems a doddle.

There’s a full list of them here.

The codes open up around 76,000 ‘micro-genres’ on the site with everything from Crime docs and football movies to comic book and superhero blockbusters.

That’s not all.  There’s a new app called Smartflix that lets you binge on hundreds of extra shows.

It works by bypassing the location restrictions imposed by Netflix and opens up the full 14,000 films and TV shows available across the world.

What a time to be alive.


