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03rd Feb 2016

Two of the worst iPhone features are getting removed for the iPhone 7

Tom Victor

If you’ve ever been angered by your iPhone camera stopping the device from lying flat on a table, you could be in luck.

Sure, some people will have told you to stop complaining, but it means a great deal to a lot of us.

It was described as an important feature on the last two iPhone models, the 6 and the 6S, as the little bump on the end of the phone allowed their designers to incorporate their best camera yet.

But technology moves fast, and MacRumors reports that the iPhone 7 will have just as good a camera, but one which doesn’t protrude from the back of the phone.

Apple Unveils New Versions Of iPhone 6, Apple TV

Another, altogether more cosmetic element is also thought to be on the way out as the new model hits the shelves.

Those white bands at the top and bottom are the sort of thing that the less discerning iPhone owner might not have even noticed, but for many they’re considered an eyesore.

Not to worry, you don’t have to decide which side of the fence you fall on, as it seems the iPhone 7 is getting rid of them too.