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10th Feb 2016

These are, apparently, the signs that your partner will cheat on you

Tony Cuddihy

Happy friggin’ Valentine’s Day.

If you’re paranoid, insecure or easily offended, you may be as well off to look away now – Time Magazine have released a list of signs that your partner is about to cheat on you.

King of telling us what most of us long ago figured out is Eric Barker, who claims the following…

Men are more likely to cheat if…

He is financially dependent on his partner.

He earns substantially more than his partner.

His partner or spouse is pregnant.


Men are likely to cheat with women far younger than themselves.

The likelihood of a man cheating at some stage in his life is up there with the likelihood of him experiencing a flight delay (surely bulls**t if you’re living in Ireland and you’re at the mercy of Storm Alphabet).


Women are more likely to cheat…

The more sexual partners she has had in the past.

She earns a lot more than her partner or husband.

She’s better educated than her partner.

…and the lower her educational level overall, the more likely she is to cheat.

It gets more ridiculous…

The lower a man’s voice, the more likely he is to cheat. The higher a woman’s voice, the more likely she is to cheat.

People are, on average, unfaithful for the first time after seven years of marriage.

Women are more likely to have affairs when they’re younger; men are more likely to stray as they get older.