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30th Mar 2016

Is this really ‘the most selfish airplane passenger of all-time’?

"A whole new way to be awful at 35,000 feet"

Kevin Beirne

We’ve all got certain rules that keep us sane while travelling.

Basic travel etiquette tells us not to make eye contact with anyone and keep your hands to yourself while riding on the bus. We all know to let people off the train before barging on in and we’ve all pretty much accepted that you wait your turn to scream “I’m the king of the world” off the bow of any boats.

But apparently common decency flies out the window the minute you get up in a plane, as this pony-tailed traveller showed Boston Globe columnist Dante Ramos on a recent flight.

We all know that if there’s one thing the internet loves, it’s getting mad at someone they don’t know for an entirely decontextualised moment of a life they know nothing about.

Obviously, there was a completely level-headed response.

But our protagonist had a slightly less drastic measure.

