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20th May 2016

Dad asks young daughter to name WWE stars from the ’80s and ’90s, gets brilliant response

Come on, Shout Skirt!

Colm Boohig

We prefer these names, in many ways.

The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Mankind and Rick Flair: five WWE legends who are world-renowned names… well, for people who are old enough to remember.

Sean Leahy tested the wrestling knowledge of his three-year-old daughter by showing her pictures of these iconic men, as well as the likes of Kane, Andre the Giant and Rowdy Roddy Piper.

And boy, did he receive some priceless answers along the way.

Yup, apparently The Texas Rattlesnake is otherwise referred to as Thirsty Man Kick Tummy, while ol’ Dwayne gets the Winky Peanut treatment and poor Rick Flair gets demoted to the grandmother position.

Our own personal favourite is I Don’t Like It, usually known to the rest of us as Kane.

