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26th May 2016

We asked you for your favourite gangster movie – and it wasn’t ‘The Godfather’

So many classics to choose from, to be fair.

Nooruddean Choudry

Keep your friends close, and your favourite DVDs closer.

The problem with deciding upon your favourite gangster movie is that you’re spoilt for choice. There’s just so many class films in the genre. We’re lucky that the likes of Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and Sergio Leone have blessed us with some many timeless classics.

To be perfectly honest, we couldn’t decide. So we thought we’d leave it to you to figure out.

As ever you didn’t let us down. Here are just a few of the varied responses…

“The original Get Carter – none of your hollywood big budget crap, just pure gritty working class gangsters doing their business.” – David Rowen

A Bronx Tale…the first gangster movie I ever saw when I was 11. Wasn’t a fan of them before that.” – Paul Gillies

“Pretty much any Martin Scorsese movie…Goodfellas and The Departed are particular faves of mine. ‘I’ll have a cranberry juice’.” – Ady Tweedie

The Godfather collection, especially Part II. Great actors and great film. One lot of films I hope they never remake.” – Paul Appleby

“For dark, serious films, either Goodfellas or The Godfather Part I. More light-hearted, I’ve got to go for Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.” – Ian BG Mills

The Godfather movies – Bobby DeNiro as young Vito Corleone and Marlon Brando as old Vito Corleone.” – Geoffrey Fleming

Once Upon A Time In America – fantastic film from children to adults – excellent film.” – Martin Tillotson

The Departed…pure awesomeness. Nicholson and Leo…” – Daniel Reep

Once Upon A Time In America. All the rest are just overhyped Hollywood nonsense.” – Richard McSweeney

The Godfather Part II, obviously. Best acting, best story, best cast, best soundtrack – best everything ever.” – Gerard McLaughlin

“Movie: The Departed. Reason: Leo.” – Sam Parker

Gangster Squad? Dunno just shooting ideas around” – James Fagg

Snatch. Brick top.” – Dan Williams

The Departed. Layers upon layers. Incredible cast too.” – Sam Yates

A Bronx Tale, because of De Niro and Chazz Palminteri, and the soundtrack rocks.” – Chris Holland

I Cento Passi (100 steps). True story told from the point of view of those affected by the mafia; doesn’t glamourise gangsters.” – Dean Richards

Heat. De Niro and Al Pacino on screen in their prime.” – Safwan Adam

Carlito’s Way. Just a fantastic story.” – Kellie Dwyer

Once Upon A Time In America. De Niro and James Woods is an epic film.” – Nathan Hatchell

Despite the fact The Godfather trilogy (Parts I and II at least) is widely-considered to be a celluloid masterpiece, it wasn’t the most popular choice from you lot.

The Corleone clan did feature heavily, but their popularity was far-outweighed by the glowing tributes to 1990’s Scorsese-directed Goodfellas. Here are just a few of the reasons why:

Goodfellas. True story director by the greatest director ever. Great cast, great story, wonderfully paced. Plus it’s closer to what the mafia were really like.” – John Sweeney

Goodfellas all day! The line says it all: ‘Ever since I can remember all I wanted to be was a gangster’.” – Dean Wolf Bailey

Goodfellas – funny how? Do I amuse you?” – Stephen Neville

Goodfellas, Donnie Brasco, American Gangster…all based on true events; ok, some tweaking to make a good movie but that’s entertainment for ya.” – Alex McNaughton

Goodfellas made being a gangster cool. And that’s all there is to it.” – Ryan Cooper

“Pretty generic answer but Goodfellas. Masterpiece in storytelling.” – ‘Yannick Golasie’

Goodfellas because as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. (drop the beat)” – ‘Grumpy Old C**t’

Goodfellas. Brutal, funny and authentic (as far as I know, being from Leeds)” – Ed Ashton

Goodfellas. Pesci. Liotta” – Gracie Browning

Do you agree that Goodfellas is the greatest of all gangster flicks? Take issue with it by emailing us:, or message us on Facebook.