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21st Jun 2016

People are totally lovestruck for these beautiful police officers

We need more coppers like this...

Rebecca Keane

A pretty face is hard to avoid.

No matter how cynical a person can claim to be, it’s hard to deny that good-looking people get all the best chances in life. And hey, let’s be honest – spotting a beautiful person on the street or your way to work can really brighten up your day sometimes.

Two British police officers have been getting a lot of attention online all due to their beautiful faces, and we hope it can brighten up your day too.

Essex Police uploaded a selfie of the pair to their Facebook, not anticipating the huge response the photo would incur.

Sergeant Kayleigh Webster and PC Daryl Jones took a selfie before starting their shift and people everywhere have been quick to praise the pretty pair.

essex2The police officers took a picture to promote safer driving with a selfie of them wearing seatbelts but little did they know the type of hysteria they would cause among spectators.

Facebook users flocked to the photo to swoon over the two officers, who we’re sure were only delighted to have so many people paying attention to the importance of road safety.






It almost makes you want to be arrested…

