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15th Jul 2016

How did we not know Starbucks lids have a secret second function?

This is very handy.

Ben Kenyon

It’s either one of the drinks industry’s biggest secrets, or we’re massively behind the times.

Either way were were amazed to find out those little plastic lids on your Starbucks order aren’t just lids after all.

While we’re happy enough that the little plastic disks atop our cups keep the precious Starbucks from spilling out, but they have a brilliant second use (or third if you count makeshift Frisbee).

When you’re ready to begin drinking your delicious iced coffee you’ll want to make sure you don’t knock it over and waste the big wedge of money you spent on it and get yourself covered freezing cold coffee that’s sure to stain.

Flip the lid over and you’ll find three little plastic ridges on the underside which form a kind of circle.

Click the bottom of your cup in there and you have yourself a handy, yet sturdy drinks coaster.

Why the hell weren’t we informed about this sooner?

It seems like we’re not the only ones to be just finding out about this revelation…

Not all lids do this, but the classy ones do

Not all the lids at the global coffee chain are blowing people’s minds though…
