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26th Aug 2016

This video shows you how to tuck your shirt in properly (and with military precision)

No excuses now

Tony Cuddihy

You can’t just stuff it all in there and hope for the best. There’s a system.

If you go to work, college or whatever just wearing a hoodie, a band t-shirt or a hipster football shirt, then this might not be the article for you.

However, for those of you who wear shirts on a regular basis and have some trouble making it look neat and tidy – sometimes you fluke it, sometimes you look like your hiding some bubble wrap around the stomach – we’re here to help.

Introducing The Military Tuck. Crisp, pristine, simple. No longer will people point and laugh at your poorly appointed sartorial abilities. We can’t guarantee it’ll stop them from laughing at you for other stuff, but some things are out of our control.

This is how to be an impressive man (until you spill yoghurt all over yourself, anyway).

Have you got a better or more efficient way of tucking in your shirt? Let us know via Facebook or Twitter, or – if you have a lot of time on your hands – draw a diagram or send us a video over email at We won’t judge you.

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