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22nd Jul 2015

More than half of men ask their exes for relationship advice

Ex appeal...


When running into relationship problems, do you turn to your ex for tips? If the answer is yes, you’re far from alone.

Some 53% of British men admitted to turning to former partners for help with their current relationship, according to a poll conducted by

If that wasn’t surprising enough, two thirds of men and women asking their exes for advice have been doing so without their current partner knowing.

A massive 87% of those polled admitted they will seek the advice of others if having relationship troubles, but just 38% of men would ask their parents for suggestions, and less than a third would trust the input of co-workers.

In contrast, women are more likely to seek answers from parents (61%), friends (49%), co-workers (37%) or even the internet (38%) before considering approaching an ex (21%) for advice.

Bad news, lads. Your ex has more faith in the internet than in you. Sorry you had to find out this way.

