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24th Sep 2016

Rangers fans fuming as FIFA 17 team do Celtic’s famous ritual on the game

Celtic fans think it's piss funny...

Ben Kenyon

The rivalry between Rangers and Celtic runs deeper than most.

The Old Firm is one of the fiercest derbies on the planet and strikes a dividing line through the city of Glasgow.

But EA Games might just have underestimated quite how much the two Glaswegian clubs despise each other.

Rangers fans must have been delighted to see their club back on FIFA 17 after an absence from the game after slipping out of the Scottish top flight.

Fans even campaigned last year to see Rangers included on the game, so getting the chance to play Celtic again will have been sweet for many FIFA disciples in the blue half of the city.

But there was one little detail in the game that has pissed off a lot of Gers fans and amused Celtic supporters in equal measure.

It might seem like a tiny inconsequential detail to anyone uninitiated with this age-old football rivalry, but up Glasgow way they don’t take these things too lightly.

Celtic are famous for their pre-match huddle – it’s something they’ve done religiously before games for the past 20 years.

So when a photo emerged of the Rangers team doing the iconic Hoops huddle, the reaction was quite obvious.

Rangers fans were not impressed in the slightest…

After Rangers’ IRL drubbing at the hands of Celtic recently, some Rangers fans were just happy to be back on the game to have another crack at their rivals…

Don’t forget to catch up with the first episode of JOE’s Friday Football Live…