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08th Oct 2016

McDonald’s invites customers to own up to weird-ass combination on Facebook

Do you dunk?

Matt Tate

We honestly just don’t know what to make of this one.

We’re thankful for everything McDonald’s has done for us over the years. From the Happy Meal toys when we were excitable little nippers, to the 3am, pre-taxi Big Mac runs at university – we’ve not nothing against old Ronald and his enormous fast food empire.

That said, we’re really not sure they should be encouraging the sort of behaviour described in a recent Facebook post. The Maccies social media team addressed their customers with a chip-related query. Specifically, they wanted to know people’s preferred choice of dip.

Ketchup or mayonnaise, you might be thinking to yourself? BBQ or Sweet Chilli?

Nah, they asked what milkshake flavour people like to dunk their chips in. This is not a drill.

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McDonald’s asked their followers to respond to the question with an emoji, and while this writer finds the entire concept baffling, it seems to a SHITLOAD of people are really into it.

It turns out that a lot of the dunkers have been keeping their habit top secret until now, just waiting for it to be deemed socially acceptable.

The top comment on the post, with 853 likes, was from Sarah Mackinnon, who said: “I am so glad I have found others that do this. Chocolate everytime. Though If I’m not dunking, just drinking, then it’s banana.”

Matthew Mincher added: “Banana milkshake with chips, or chocolate milkshake and chicken nuggets.”

Nicolas Lawrence, another shake and chips man, said: “I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this… My husband thought it was weird when I ordered a milkshake and asked them to mix all the flavours…. He was disgusted when I then dunked my fires in said milkshake combo.”

Alice Penney, also relieved, said: “Honestly thought I was a weirdo for this ah praise the Lord loads of people love strawberry milkshake with their fries.”

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But there were naturally detractors too. Jon Corp, for example, was having none of it. His fierce statement read: “You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!! Now I’m all for ‘personal preferences’ and all that but fries should only EVER be dunked/dipped/dressed/caressed/covered/smothered or molested in sauce!!! Seriously… Fries in milkshake???”

Bower Adam said: “I find this revolting. I just can’t understand why people would do such things. Milkshake is for drinking not for dipping your fried potatoes in. Can we please not forget that.”

Do let us know where you stand on the matter. This feels important.

