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09th Jul 2015

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice plot detail revealed…


The initial trailer set the mood for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but very little has been revealed in terms of the plot…until now.

It’s been reported that the film will pick up from the events of the 2013 blockbuster Man of Steel as Batman seeks vengeance for Superman’s overzealous methods.

You might remember that the final fight between Superman and General Zod caused more destruction than a thousand Transformers movies, with one of the buildings turned to rubble apparently belonging to a certain Bruce Wayne.


Ben Affleck has been quoted as saying that: “One of the things I liked was Zack (Snyder’s) idea of showing accountability and the consequences of violence and seeing that there are real people in those buildings.

“And in fact, one of those buildings was Bruce Wayne’s building so he knew people who died in that Black Zero event.”

So there you have it, Batman’s motivation is cold-blooded revenge for the friends and employees that he lost.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled for release in March 2016.