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01st Jan 2017

You can watch the first episode of the new season of Homeland online now

It's back with a bang...

Conor Heneghan

The new season doesn’t air on TV until the middle of January.

After taking a break in 2016, Homeland is back with a bang in 2017 and you don’t have to wait a minute longer if you’re already anxiously awaiting the first episode of Season Six.

The show doesn’t return to until January 15, but Showtime subscribers can watch the first episode at their convenience on the Showtime website.

A series of teaser trailers have set the mood nicely for the new season, which sees a return to the US for Carrie and a storyline based around a new President (good timing) after the majority of the last series was set in Europe.


The trailers have also hinted at a return for Peter Quinn, who was last seen in the Season 5 finale on the verge of death after being poisoned.

Clip via Homeland

There’s only a fortnight to go until the start of the new season on regular TV, but if you absolutely must see it right now, you can do so here.

