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21st Aug 2017

Looks like it’s all kicking off between Sarah and Chad in the CBB house

Is there trouble in paradise already?

Keeley Ryan

It’s all kicking off in Celebrity Big Brother tonight.

They only announced they were an official couple a few days ago, but it looks like there could be trouble in paradise for CBB’s Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson.

The couple confirmed their relationship to the other housemates in scenes that aired on Saturday night – despite Sarah confirming she was “spoken for” in the outside world.

And it looks like the honeymoon period could be over for Chad and Sarah already.

In scenes set to air tonight, the pair get into a heated exchange…before dissolving into giggles and a cuddle on the couch outside.

The Girls Aloud singer can be seen raging at the American reality TV star after he seemingly doesn’t take her advice.

Sarah snapped:

“I’ve been in this business for 15 f***ing years and you’re just starting out, mate. Don’t f***ing take the p**s!

“I won’t stand for it.

“Fix up, look f***ing sharp and listen to someone who has had the experience, been there, done that, worn the T-shirt and been persecuted most of her career for it.”
Confused, Chad asks:
“What did I do so bad? Why are you so mad at me?”
Sarah warns:

 “You’re taking me for granted!

“You’re not listening to my advice and you get defensive and it’s out of order.

“Don’t f***ing cross me.”

Chad begins to walk away from the confrontation, before stopping to tell her:

“You can’t make my life any worse. I’m miserable every f***ing day of my life.”

The Celebrity Big Brother contestant changed her tune when she finally clocks that she upset Chad – telling the Bachelorette contestant to come over.

The 30 year old begins to break into a smile as he asks:

“This is the weirdest fight ever! Can we make out a little bit?”

Featured image via Big Brother UK Twitter.Â