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19th Jan 2016

Friends creator has her say on rumours of a reunion movie

Ben Kenyon

Friends will come back one day, surely?

‘They have to give us more – there’s just too much money in it,’ we keep telling ourselves.

The Zeitgeist of 90s nostalgia and the never-ending cavalcade of big-money comebacks has persuaded us it simply must be in the pipeline.

Now there’s an actual Friends reunion happening with the original cast members (minus Matthew Perry) getting back together for a two-hour special to celebrate writer James Burrows – the rumours just won’t die.

Or at least they wouldn’t until Friends’ famous co-creator Marta Kauffman stuck the knife in and pretty much killed them dead.

Fans of the iconic 90s sitcom hoping for one last glorious return of Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Ross, Joey and Phoebe in a reunion movie are going to be bitterly disappointed.

“There will never be a ‘Friends’ reunion movie,” Kauffman told E! News in brutally curt fashion.

Well, that’s a shot to the heart. But we still cling to some vague hope of a comeback.

After all we remember a certain John Squire saying he had “no desire whatsoever to desecrate the grave of seminal Manchester pop group The Stone Roses.” And look what happened there.

