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16th Mar 2016

Game of Thrones actor has some very uncomplimentary things to say about the show

Tony Cuddihy

We never liked him anyway.

*Contains spoilers*

The man who played Stannis Baratheon has admitted that he didn’t like Game of Thrones and just starred in it for the money.

Stephen Dillane, speaking to French magazine Liberation, said that he did not understand the success of the show and would not be back after he was killed off at the end of the fifth series.

In quotes translated by Mashable, he was initially reluctant to talk about the show at all (“do we HAVE to talk about it?”) and when pressed on the reason why not, he replied: “Not interested.”

Eventually, the interviewer managed to tease out some thoughts of his on one of the biggest successes in television history.

“I don’t regret doing Game of Thrones, but I have nothing to say about it,” he commented.

“I didn’t understand the series nor its success when I was a part of it. The experience has been weird, it really passed me by. For a role to please me, I have to be interested in it, which was not really the case. I was a bit overwhelmed by everything that happened.”

He was eventually asked why he took on the part at all.

“Among other things, for the money,” he responded.