What next in Winterfell?
You don’t need Bran Stark levels of foresight to predict what we’re going to say next. Spoilers are coming.
It’s very rare that Game of Thrones fans are treated to a happy ending but the most recent episode, Battle of the Bastards, was probably the closest thing that we’ll get to one.
Be honest, you let out a cry of delight after seeing Jon Snow beat the living crap out of Ramsay Bolton. Our favourite moment though was seeing Sansa exact her ice-cold revenge and that glorious half-smile.
Right now, the banners of House Stark are once again flying over the walls of Winterfell but there’s one question that everyone wants to know, what’s Littlefinger’s agenda?
The arrival of the Knights of the Vale definitely swung the battle in favour of Team Stark but trying to work out the plans of Lord Baelish is more difficult than trying to take down the giant Wun Wun.
We find it very unlikely that the most Machiavellian schemer in the Seven Kingdoms has started to view the world in its most simplistic terms; good vs bad, Stark v Lannister or honourable v deceitful.
This scene was from the sixth episode of last season, Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, and if it’s accurate, Sansa Stark will need to stay alert in The North.
As he stated before, chaos is a ladder and there’s nobody better than Littlefinger at climbing it.
Where does his true allegiance lie?
Clip via – Game of Thrones Best Scenes