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11th Jan 2018

It looks like LGBT people won’t be included in Love Island after all

James Dawson

It looks like it won’t be happening.

There has yet to be official confirmation on whether or not LGBT contestants will be allowed to participate in the next series of Love Island, but the latest news isn’t good.

Although it had been thought the producer may have had a change of heart after last year, it’s now being reported that while bosses won’t explicitly ban gay, lesbian and transgender people, there won’t be any in this year’s series.

According to the Daily Star, the people behind the show think that the change wouldn’t work as the format relies on people coupling up and recoupling whilst they are in the villa.


An ITV spokesperson told the newspaper that the show’s executive producer Richard Cowles had not changed his views.

He has previously stated that: ““The format doesn’t really allow it. If you’re familiar with the programme, it’s about coupling and recoupling. To complicate it with same-sex relationships is to take something away from the format.”

It comes after the newspaper reported yesterday that the possibility of LGBT contestants had not been ruled out.

“The main thing that came under fire for was sex on TV, which people have now started to accept, so come next series people won’t really care about that,” a source told the Daily Star.

“ITV want to increase the shock factor of the show and keep people talking, by having LGBT people included.”


LGBT,Love Island