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01st Feb 2016

Leo DiCaprio’s next role could have troublesome implications for Russian politics

Carl Kinsella

Unless he gets that Oscar he’s going to start tearing Eurasian countries to shreds.

Okay, that’s not quite what’s happening here, but according to The Telegraph, Russian communists plan to cause serious trouble if the country’s oldest studio follows through with its plans to cast poor Leo as historical Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.


A Russian film studio, called Lenfilm, who intend to make a biopic about the former Russian leader, offered perennial Oscar-hopeful DiCaprio the role after he expressed an interest in Russian story-telling and history.

This has provoked ire from St Petersburg’s Communist Party who have said if DiCaprio is given the job, they will blockade the Lenfilm studio and take part in other acts of civil disobedience until the role is given to a Russian actor.

DiCaprio himself is one-eighth Russian which, as we all know, is enough for an American to qualify themselves as ‘Russian’.