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01st Sep 2021

Michael Gove’s Aberdeen raving video has been hilariously edited into Trainspotting scene

Kieran Galpin

Gove has traded politics for film cameos

Michael Gove’s Aberdeen dance video has now been edited into the cult-classic Trainspotting.

Trainspotting, starring Ewan McGregor, was released in 1996 and followed McGregor’s character Mark Renton’s journey through addiction, sex, and rehabilitation.

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster was seen in Bohemia nightclub over the weekend, dancing to techno music until the early hours. Reports suggest he was drinking in a local pub before being urged to carry on the party at Bohemia – which doesn’t exactly sound like a venue a Conservative would attend.

Comedian Matt Highton has edited the politician into a scene from Trainspotting, specifically the scene where Renton is searching the club for someone to take home.

“Heroin had robbed Renton of his sex drive, but now it returned with a vengeance. And as the impotence of those days faded into memory, grim desperation took hold of his sex-crazed mind,” the narration reads.

“His post-junk libido, fuelled by alcohol and amphetamine, taunted him remorselessly with his own unsatisfied desire.”

Gove’s antics are then stitched with the original video.

Never has McGregor’s Trainspotting quote, “there was no such thing as society and if even there was, I most certainly had nothing to do with it” made so much sense.

“Now I want to watch Trainspotting with random cuts if Gove thrown in,” one person replied on Twitter, to which Highton said, “Give me a week!”

Gove’s dancefloor antics prompted a guest on Good Morning Britain to suggest over-40s clubbing isn’t such a good idea.

Reality star and singer Talia Storm was pretty adamant that she doesn’t want to see her dad or friends dancing in a club.

“I think the £5 entry fee, the £2 shots can be left to us youngsters and you guys have many more options to head to,” she said.

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