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18th Sep 2015

Princess Leia’s famous bikini can now be yours

Bra Wars...


This is a cosplay dream come true.

If you’re a Star Wars fan who enjoys dressing up as your favourite characters for conventions or…personal reasons, a certain item of original clothing is now on the market.

The actual metal bikini that Carrie Fisher wore as Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi can now be yours – if you’ve got around £100,000 lying about doing nothing.

That’s right, Rolling Stone magazine report that the costume is to feature in an auction curated by People In History that will also feature posters, script pages, and even a prototype Darth Vader helmet.

“The costume, designed by Richard Miller, is expected to fetch between $80,000 to $120,000, and is billed as part of “the most important and complete compilation of original Star Wars pieces to have survived production in private hands.””

Fancy bidding? All the info is here. If you win, please do NOT send us pictures. We know what you’re like.