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09th Apr 2016

Remembering the most unbelievable, “holy sh*t” moments from WWE’s Attitude Era

The golden age

Colm Boohig

If you are of the right age and followed the WWF WWE at the turn of the century, you’ll know how unbelievable it all was.

Remember the Attitude Era? If you don’t, you’re probably in the minority, and if you do it will bring back floods of fun memories, because it was an absolute blast.

From brilliant intros to unforgettable promos, the Attitude Era had the stars, storylines and ridiculous risk-taking that, from the late ’90s to the early ’00s, endlessly entertained even the most casual of fans.

Now, we look at 10 times that the Attitude Era caused all of us to go…

Shocked Undertaker fan

Right, here we go, in equally excellent order…

Undertaker throwing Mankind off the Hell in a Cell

One of the most famous moments in WWE history, let alone during the Attitude Era.

Undertaker vs. Mankind at King of the Ring ’98 was absolutely nuts, with Mick Foley taking a world of punishment, including going through the cell itself (which he later said was the most painful part) and taking a mouth full of upturned thumbtacks.

But, undoubtedly, the standout “Oh Lord” moment was at the start of the famous match, with JR’s legendary reaction summing it all up…

Clip via WWE


Shane McMahon taking a massive fall

A decade-and-a-half later and Shane O Mac is still acting like a bloody lunatic, as seen at Wrestlemania 32.

Back in Summerslam 2000, McMahon Jr. was up against Steve Blackman for the Hardcore title, ending with one of the most dramatic conclusions ever.

Clip via Official Blackman MMA Channel

Less than 12 months later he was at it again against The Big Show at Backlash, this time coming out on top. He was due one.

Clip via TheFaceFlashers

Edge spearing Jeff Hardy from the ladder at Wrestlemania

The Attitude Era was a golden period for tag teams and the zenith of this period was at Wrestlemania X-Seven in 2001.

Edge and Christian took on the Hardy Boyz and the Dudleys in a triple threat ladder match for the tag team titles.

It has gone down as one of the greatest tag encounters of all-time, with this moment particularly standing out.

Clip via WWE

Bubba Ray Dudley powerbombing Mae Young through a table

If any moment summed up the Attitude Era it was this, because one half of the Dudleys powerbombing an elderly Mae Young from the stage through a table was borderline messed up.

Can you imagine seeing this happen these days?

Clip via Hungovers

If you think that this was cruel, it turns out that Young was completely up for it, insisting that Bubba powerbomb her as he would anyone else.

Bubba’s short anecdote about Mae’s bravery below is worth listening to. She’s some woman…

Clip via notsam

The Montreal Screwjob

Bret Hart is still extremely bitter about events which occurred that fateful night in Montreal against Shawn Michaels.

It remains as one of the most controversial incidents in the company’s history.

If you followed the WWF at all back then, you’ll know the full story, but here’s a quick recap; Hart was supposed to win, but Vince McMahon had other plans and chose HBK instead.

The Hitman’s reaction afterwards said it all…

Clip via WWE

The pair, eventually, came face-to-face to discuss it all…

Clip via WWE

Stone Cold Steve Austin gives The Corporation a beer bath

They don’t make them like they used to, and Stone Cold’s regular middle finger to the powers-that-be at WWF HQ always made for compelling TV.

On the eve of Wrestlemania in 1999, Austin interrupted a speech by the McMahons and The Rock (when he was still a heel) and delivered one of the most iconic and inspiring moments from our childhood.

Clip via anynomus virus

It wasn’t the only time that The Texas Rattlesnake brought a set of wheels with him ringside.

Clip via WWE

It quickly became a trend, with Austin on the receiving end…

Clip via DaWWEGuy

A mysterious person (Rikishi) runs over Stone Cold in the car park

Speaking of being on the receiving end, Austin was caught out once more when he was savagely run over in the WWF car park, keeping him out of action for months.

This was the Attitude Era equivalent of ‘Who Shot Mr. Burns?’, with every fan in school and around the estate having their own theories as to who was responsible.

Clip via WWE

Then it turned out to be Rikishi and we all responded with a collective, ‘eh… what?!’

Clip via WWE

Triple H marries Stephanie McMahon

Test and Stephanie McMahon were (on-screen) lovebirds and were getting hitched live on Raw, before Triple H decided to get involved… very involved.

While the ceremony was happening, a video was shown to the whole audience of Triple H marrying Stephanie in a drive-thru affair.

Oh, and she was drugged, so knew nothing out about. Yup… the Attitude Era was very creepy.


Kurt Angle suplexes Shane McMahon through glass… eventually

Shane McMahon pops his fearless and crazy head back into this list again. This time, for his outrageous insistence that Kurt Angle persevered with suplexing him through glass at King of the Ring, 2001.

Basically, what was supposed to be flexible sugar glass was actually the much tougher plexiglass. The result was a number of extremely painful-looking Angle attempts at flipping Shane through to the otherside.

Just listen to the sound during the first botched go below. Ouch.

Clip via WWE

How McMahon didn’t incur long-term injuries from this, we’ll never know.

DX invades WCW

Back in the days when the WWF’s rivalry with WCW was so fierce that it caused the excellent Alliance escapade; this moment particularly resonated with fans.

D-Generation X, led by Triple H, used a tank in broad daylight to travel from Hampton to Norfolk, hilariously interviewing fans along the way, before arriving at the doors of WCW.

It was amazing…

Clip via EazyWWEfan’s channel

The mission ultimately failed, but the attempt itself was all that was required to be forever remembered.

The Attitude Era wouldn’t have been half as impacting without DX, while those renegades needed the platfrom of that era to fully prosper.

It was a magical time.

Honourable mentions: Chris Jericho’s Walls of Jericho on Chris Benoit on top of the ladder, Shane McMahon hijacking WWE/WCW deal, Stone Cold throwing The Rock’s belt into the river, Hulk Hogan’s return.

So, we’ve narrowed it down to ten, but we know there are loads more. Let us know your thoughts by getting in touch by dropping us an email or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter.