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14th Jul 2015

Rob Lowe stars in hilarious new Archer-inspired 80s cop animation (Trailer)

Get the Lowe-down on Moonbeam City...

Kevin Beirne

Comedy Central has released a first extended look at the world of Moonbeam City — and fans of FX’s Archer should be very excited.

Rob Lowe stars as Dazzle Novak, a sex-crazed detective for the Moonbeam City PD in “America’s most fluorescent metropolis”.

Novak’s boss Chief Pizzaz Miller is voiced by 30 Rock’s Elizabeth Banks while his rival — the brilliantly-named Rad Cunningham — is played by the underrated Saturday Night Live alum Will Forte.

The world of Moonbeam City takes clear inspiration from Archer but adds its own 1980s twist. And if the trailer is anything to go by, it’s going to be great.