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20th Oct 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has this magnificent new trailer (Video)

Merry Christmas...

Paul Moore

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

Any Star Wars fan will always have a special place in their heart for George Lucas. I mean, he only created two of the greatest film franchises in the history of cinema but he also inflicted Jar Jar Binks and midi-chlorians on us also.

It’s fair to say that by his own impeccable standards, he took a turn to the dark side with Episodes I-III but JJ Abrams seems like he’s providing a new hope for the galaxy.

The latest trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has just been unleashed and it feels like it’s a loving homage to the themes of Episodes IV-VI.

The force of family, destiny and discovery are all strong here as as newcomers Rey, Finn and the villainous Kylo Ren take centre stage.

We won’t give too much away but there are four characters that are very conspicuous by their absence.

We’ve seen this five times already and we want to watch it all over again.

December 18 can’t come around quickly enough.