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09th Dec 2015

The guy who bought Wu-Tang’s million-dollar record hasn’t even listened to it yet

'The Heart Gently Weeps'

Lia Nicholls

Quentin Tarantino was thought to be buying Wu-Tang’s million dollar record – but someone far less exciting has captured it.

Turing Pharmaceuticals founder Martin Shkreli – known as the guy who bought and then hiked up the price of the AIDS drug – has bought the album.

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What happens when you buy the most expensive album titled ‘Once Upon a Time In Shaolin‘ ever? Is it brought to you on a gold tray along with the finest champagne while fireworks go off in the background? Nope.

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Bloomberg Business, who has been tracking the story, reported Shkreli attended a private listening session at the Standard Hotel and got to have lunch with RZA.

Shkreli said: “We didn’t have a ton in common. I can’t say I got to know him that well, but I obviously like him.”

That’s kind of fair enough, but this is the detail we can’t abide – at the time of report – he hadn’t even listened to it. Apparently he’s ‘saving it for a rainy day – or if Taylor Swift wants to listen to it’.

You save a few hundred quid for a rainy day, or a giant box of Quality Street.

Wu-Tang would be probably be horrified too (if they didn’t have an extra million dollars to play with).

