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23rd Jun 2016

The House Robots from Robot Wars have got a hefty upgrade for the new series

They look MAD.

Carl Anka

A new series of Robot Wars is coming to the BBC; and it looks like the House Robots have been hitting the gym….

This week saw BBC Entertainment release images of the brand new, revised versions of the House Robots from Robot Wars and they’ve all received a hefty upgrade.

Bigger, stronger and deadlier than ever before, the House Robots prowl the Robot Wars arena as BBC enforcers during fights, stroll into their areas and watch them destroy your precious robot creation.

Here’s a close up look at the new, upgraded house robots.



Back in the original series, Matilda was one of the most dangerous house robots, thats to his chainsaw weaponry at the rear (it later got changed into a flywheel). Jonathan Pearce once called her the “Matriarch of Mayhem. Then she got beat up loads by three-time Robot Wars champion Razer. Offt. Talking to journalist Jake Laverde in the latest issue of Shortlist, BBC Entertainment producer Andrew Robertson revealed the new look Matilda has a “rear-wheel Hardoz spinner” weapon.

We don’t know what that means, but we know better than to mess with it.


Dead Metal

Dead Metal

Dead Metal was built like a lobster, and had a big ‘eff off circular saw on the front that it used to tear apart pincered robots. Simple.

Andrew Robertson has promised the new version is his personal favourite, saying in Shortlist “It’s a lot faster, these robots are powered by powerful batteries.”




Waaaaay back in Series 1 of Robot Wars, back in 1998 when Jeremy Clarkson fronted the show, Shunt was the true heavy out of the House Robots, bodying contestants with its hefty pneumatic axe.

The new version is over twice the size of the original, coming it at 327kg (old weight was 105kg). It’s also boasting something called a “new high torque drive”, which gives it enough power to tow a van apparently. The new contestants won’t know what hit them.


Sir Killalot 

Sir Killalot

The big bad of the House Robots, Sir Killalot struck fear into the hearts (engines?) of many a machine thanks to its massive claw and lethal lance. The new version is apparently now weighs close to a tonne, and will be doling out some #BigLadsDivison beatings in some robot hossfights.


The new six-part Robot Wars series will air on BBC2 later this summer, presented by Dara O Briain and Angela Scanlon.


BBC,Robot Wars