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31st Jul 2016

The Simpsons have revealed who Homer and Marge are voting for in November

The verdict is in

Carl Kinsella

Let’s not make any bones about it, The Simpsons isn’t even approaching the beginnings of almost as good as it used to be.

Nevertheless, they can still come out a gem or two when they need to. A new clip features Marge and Homer in bed trying decide which way to vote in the upcoming American presidential election.

It’s a play on a pro-Hillary ad that’s been doing the rounds that sees both prospective candidates waking up at 3am to deal with a global crisis. The Simpsons version also shows Trump’s lengthy process of applying fake tan, and reveals the secret of his abominable hair-do.

It being modern-day Simpsons, some of the jokes still fall flat – but by and large this short video is pretty funny.

Of course, those of you with long memories will recall that, back in 2000, the show predicted Donald Trump’s presidency – with future president Lisa Simpson attempting to drag the United States out of Trump-inspired turmoil.

We don’t have too long to wait to learn whether that episode from 15 years ago was absolutely spot-on, or just very close.

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