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07th Nov 2017

Things got awkward on First Dates as this man fancied the waitress more than his date

Paul Moore

That’s some nice ‘accidental flirting.’

The age-old adage in the dating world says that there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but what happens when the next fish is right in front of you?

Granted, we’re not calling the very charming Cici Coleman – better known as the waitress from First Dates – a fish, but you get what we’re trying to say. Ok, we’re going to stop talking about fish.

As always, the restaurant opened its doors yesterday as singletons went in search of love.

Josh and Sophia were just one of the many couples that were paired together and after a rather awkward chat about the merits of dogs vs cats, their date started to show some promising signs.

While Sophia headed to the bathroom, Cici came over to their table and chatted with Josh – as she does with most tables that she’s serving.

After discovering that Josh’s idea of the perfect first date involves a trip to an art gallery, Cici’s interested was piqued by the fact that he also draws portraits. Yes, just like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, Josh can ‘draw you like one of his French girls.’

After finding out that he can sketch a naked portrait, Cici started to blush and get a fit of giggles.

Ever the professional, the First Dates waitress did encourage Sophia to give Josh a second date but in his own words “She’s (Sophia) beautiful, there was loads of eye contact. But I don’t think I got more than that.”

When the two singletons were asked in front of the camera if they wanted to see each other again, Sophia said that she would be happy to do so but there was a surprise in store.

In Josh’s own words, he “didn’t feel the chemistry,” but he did “feel more of a connection with the waitress” because she took an interest in his art.

To Sophia’s immense credit, she just laughed the whole thing off without a care in the world.

Take a look.

This little bit of flirting didn’t go unnoticed.

We wonder if Cici was tempted to slip him her number?


First Dates,TV