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29th Feb 2016

VIDEO: Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) dropped a big Game of Thrones spoiler at the Oscars

Conor Heneghan


We have a little under two months to wait until the return of Game of Thrones for a sixth season, but there’s already plenty of chatter about what’s coming next.

Most of that chatter has focused on the fate of Jon Snow but there’s also been speculation about which characters will meet their maker in the coming season.

This is Game of Thrones after all, which has a death count rivalled only by 300 and Lord of the Rings.

If the spoiler alert in the headline wasn’t obvious enough then we suggest that you stop reading now.

Sophie Turner dropped some details about the fate of her character, Sansa Stark, when speaking to E!’s Giuliana Rancic at the Oscars.

In case you didn’t hear that properly, Turner says of her experience while reading Game of Thrones scripts: “Flicking through, I’m like ‘death, death, death… Okay, I’m good for this season.'”

So basically, characters will die in Season Six of the show but Sansa won’t be one of them, which means she obviously survived her leap from the wall in Winterfell with Theon Greyjoy at the end of Season Five.

We’ll find out everything that’s going to happen soon anyway; April 24 can’t come quickly enough.