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01st Nov 2017

Influential report identifies five big food trends that will take off in 2018

What we'll all be eating next year... apparently.

Conor Heneghan

Start eating these now before the food hipsters take all the credit.

If you’re anything like us, you’re already looking forward to the idea of gorging on turkey and ham, mince pies and plenty of sweet things in the not-so-distant future, but there’s also the possibility that you’ll guiltily feel the need to review your dietary habits in early 2018.

Each year, Waitrose identifies food trends for the forthcoming 12 months in their annual food and drink report and according to the five outlined in the 2017-18 edition, Asian food is going to be a big hit and our supermarket habits are about to change significantly.

Food trends for 2018

Indian street food

Instead of heavy sauces, Waitrose is predicting an increased demand for smoked, grilled or seared delicacies, such as scallops in pickled ginger, and hybrids, such as spiced burgers; “Indian food like you’ve never seen it before.”

Japanese dude food

Light Japanese food has had its day in the sun, it’s now time for the more indulgent offerings, including sharing dishes such as yakitori skewered chicken or deep-fried tofu in broth.

Fourth meal

Waitrose points to growing evidence that people are increasingly taking to having a fourth, smaller meal in their daily routine outside of the traditional staples of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Appetite or gluttony has little to do with it, it’s more about eating to fit busy schedules.

Smaller trolleys

The day of the supersize trolley is coming to an end; from its own experience, Waitrose says shoppers are now favouring smaller trolleys for daily shops rather than big, spacious trolleys that can fit enough produce to feed a family for a week.

Plant proteins

Protein remains popular and Waitrose is expecting a demand for pulses, shoots, grains, seeds, soy or even algae in 2018.

Agree with what they’ve predicted for next year? Your answer to that question may well be dictated by the list of foods they reckon have been big in 2017, which you can see below.

Big in 2017

  • Carbs
  • Herbs
  • Turmeric
  • Buddha Bowls
  • Brunch
  • Dark Green Veg
  • Peanut Butter
  • Juniper Berries
  • Protein
  • Blueberries

You can read the Waitrose food and drink 2017-18 report in full here.