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11th Sep 2021

McDonald’s customer ‘vows to go vegan’ after ‘finding pig nipple’ in his bacon roll

Simon Robinson, 27, was eating breakfast at a Mcdonalds near Gateshead, where he believed a rasher of his bacon was actually a pig nipple.

Kieran Galpin

This bacon wasn’t ‘genuswine’

A McDonald’s customer has claimed he’s considering going vegan following his discovery of what he believes to be a pig nipple in his bacon sandwich, Indy100 reports.

Simon Robinson, 27, was trying to enjoy his morning breakfast at a McDonald’s near Gateshead where he believed a rasher of his bacon was actually a pig nipple. But McDonald’s are “confident” that Robinson is mistaken.

“To open it up and to find that was revolting. It has put me off meat entirely. So much so I’m considering going vegan now,” Robinson said.

“It’s a fairly regular treat getting a bacon roll from McDonald’s. I always open up and check what’s inside because I have OCD.

“This time it seems it was entirely justified. I know you can find that on pork belly but I didn’t ask for a pork belly roll. I asked for a bacon sandwich.”

Robinson “dared not eat it” but did in fact “eat the rest of the roll”.

A spokesperson for McDonald’s told indy100: “We use back bacon in all of our bacon rolls, and due to the location that this cut is taken from, we are confident this customer is mistaken in his claim.

“We understand the customer is liaising with our Customer Services Team who are offering further assistance.”

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