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22nd Oct 2021

Woman says she ‘can’t stop eating her dead husband’s ashes’

Kieran Galpin

She has lost 42lbs since switching diets

A woman claims that her husband’s ashes are “basically” the only thing she eats, which wouldn’t exactly be in keeping with the general consensus of your ‘five a day’.

Since losing her husband Sean in a deadly asthma attack only two years after they met, 26-year-old Casie – who was identified only by her first name – has carried the ashes of her late husband everywhere.

She told TLC’s My Strange Addiction back in 2019 that her “world stopped turning” following his death.

“I take my husband everywhere, to the grocery store, shopping, to the movies, out to eat, anywhere I go he goes,” she said.

She continued: “I guess with the transfer of his cremains some got into the cardboard box as well and that spilled out on my hands

“I didn’t want to wipe him off, that’s my husband I didn’t want to wipe him away so I just licked him off my fingers.”

Two months later and Casie was eating her husband’s ashes on a daily basis.


“First I lick my finger and I don’t just dip it in, I swirl around to get it caked on there good and then I just eat it.

“It tastes like rotten eggs, sand and sandpaper but I’ve grown to love that taste, it started off as not wanting to get rid of him and it’s progressed into eating him

“I’ve lost 42lbs since my husband passed away. Basically, the only thing I’m eating are his ashes.”

She continued: “When I open up the urn I get a sense of happiness, it’s like an adrenaline rush for me and the more I eat the more excited I get until I realise there’s not a lot left.


“Then a few minutes later I feel horrible because I did it.

“It makes me feel embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted with myself, confused, crazy – you gotta be a really sick person to eat someone’s ashes.”

But there is obviously a bottom to her snack bowl – and Casie knows this.

“Knowing I already lost a pound [of the remains] is really hard because it’s going to run out soon and I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold it together.

“I have to stop eating him, I’ve lost him once, this time it’ll be my fault that I lose him again.”

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